About the artist

J Robert (Bob) Shullaw

Bob graduated from Knox College in Illinois with a degree in mathematics in 1972. Bob then earned a Masters degree in computer science from Northern Illinois University in 1974. He joined Chevron Corporation Information Technology Department in 1974 and worked for that company for the next 36 years. He held positions with Chevron in New Orleans, San Francisco Bay Area, Tulsa, Kazakhstan, United Kingdom, and Houston. He retired as a System Architect in 2010. He continues to live in Houston with his wife, Lara.

Bob began drawing in 2017 as an escape from the trauma Hurricane Harvey caused when it devastated their home. In the midst of that nightmare, his wife spent several weeks in the hospital and at home recovering. He became hooked on creating art and continued to pursue this new interest even after the house was restored and his wife had recovered. Then COVID hit and again being able to put pencil / charcoal / brush to paper kept the nightmares away. And now, with things relatively back to normal, he finds he just can’t quit.

Lara and Bob competed for many years in ballroom dancing, so his pieces often take dance (particularly ballet) as their subject.

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And How Does He See Himself?

The Artist in 100 Attributes

Lots of Ways!!